In this blog…
I will share with you a little bit about PEMF therapy, and there are many well-known benefits of PEMF therapy. On top of that with my personal use of PEMF, especially with our Human Charger, is that it helps me have that 10-30 mins a day to recharge, reset and feel more centered, and from that my life, has that extra clarity and focus from it. So, in line with the PEMF giving me that extra bonus, I´ve included two posters which you can download for FREE, which can possibly help you even more in your life to have that extra clarity and reduce that self-sabotage or procrastination if you have any!
So, What Is PEMF?
PEMF stands for Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. In short this is magnetic therapy with different frequencies. With over 30 years of research, researchers have found that different frequencies of magnetic waves can help with many different aspects of the body from helping you to relax to helping the body regenerate.
What Do People Use PEMF For…
Some of the
- Improves Sleep Quality
- Help support bone repair
- Enhances the body’s natural recovery process.
- Improves Circulating Oxygenation
- Improves Mood and Cognition
- Reduces inflammation and pain.
- Helps you recover from an injury faster.
Can PEMF help with Sleep?
The short answer is Yes. I find going to bed in the right way makes one of the biggest differences for my next day. Around 9.30 to 10 pm I often do some fascia stretches combined with some calming breathing techniques, often while I´m watching some tele in the evening.
As well as adding the calming teas that I wrote about on my supplement post. Then on top of that I often I use The Human Charger on the sleep setting before I go to sleep. I find it puts me into a really calm state, and it helps me get that shift in my consciousness, that I´m not turning over messy thoughts in my head, rather having a more positive outlook in life, more positive affirmation just naturally come up. This helps me with my orientation before I go to sleep. With or without the mat you can do this, The Human Charger PEMF mat, for me takes it to another level, especially when there are so many different frequencies, floating around from smart meters to Wi-Fi towers.
My son is 6 years old, and when he is not doing something cool, sometimes we use the PEMF mat as naughty step. On the calm setting. Then he uses the technique of imaging in your mind what your best friend would say to you in this situation. It works wonders. Being a parent for me is one of those tough wonderful things, deep down I really love it. One of the best bits of advice I got for being a parent, is the Dad or Mum you wished you had.
Rules, Rituals and Routines
As well as my PEMF Human Charger giving me that reset, alignment and all the other health benefits of PEMF therapy. I´ve implemented in my life, this Brillant advice from Bedros Keuilian, about setting clearly. Your Rules, Your Rituals and Your Routines. On this video below he shares how it works, and below this inspired by this talk I designed a poster that you are welcome to download for FREE that you can write in it your own rules, rituals and routines.
Free Download
If you would like to download your own Rules, Rituals and Routine poster, please click on the image…
Code & Conduct
I believe in life you need a compass on what you clearly stand for, and when I heard this talk by Chadd Wright about the Navy Seals Creed. I was really inspired and from it, I copied some of the Navy Seals creed and added a few sentence that resonate with me. So here you can listen to the talk by Chadd and below you are welcome to download for FREE the poster called the Code and Conduct.
Free Download
If you click the image below is the download for the code and conduct poster.
With or Without PEMF!
I consider that all of our cells carry an electrical charge and when we are dead there is no charge in our cells, occasionally or daily having a PEMF treatment is a way in helping to recharge our cells, especially in today’s world so discounted from nature, many of the health benefits you see with PEMF therapy such as red blood cells not sticking together , and moving freely, you can also be seen when someone walks bare foot on the ground.
PEMF therapy for sure helps reduce pain, and it helps with cellular regeneration. The part I’ve added with more alignment with life, is my experience, and for sure you do not need PEMF for alignment in life, that comes from your heart and soul. Anything that gives you that inner calm may possibly help.
To find out more about our human charger here is the link..
To your health and happiness
The H2=E Team