What Health Supplements Do You Take?
I often get asked what do you consider some of the best health supplements? and What health supplements do you take? In this blog I will cover these questions.
(Please personalize any of this information to yourself and if you’re on any medication, and if you have any doubts before trying anything, please check with your Doctor first.)
Are Health Supplements Black & White?
I really don’t think health supplements are black and white. From 4 different types of B3 vitamins, to 12 different types of Magnesium all with different benefits, to hundreds of different herbs. To multiple variations and complication in different health conditions.
I do think in my own life, and I´ve seen it in many other people that they take to many health supplements. On the flip side less can often be more, especially if you have an auto immune disease as to many health supplements can be over firing the body even more. I think anything over 12 health supplements a day is the total max. Also, I do believe in taking breaks from many supplements. If you have, two health supplements doing a similar job thing, the question is can that trigger a negative net effect. I think now I keep my health supplements as simple as possible, for these reasons.
Unloading The Lorry!
One of the key points in understanding health supplements is that the body needs clear building blocks, in a chain to make the body work. Imagine this as an analogy. If you are unloading a lorry, that has 100 boxes on let’s say, and the boxes are proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals which are all the fuel for the body to work.
Then you have 25 people unloading the lorry. Let’s say there is a missing person or missing chemical link in unloading the lorry, which is e.g. a mineral vitamin etc. Then instead of getting 100 boxes delivered to your body, you only get delivered 45 boxes, which then causes the human body to not work so effectively.
The body works on chemicals chains, one chemical turns into another, all energy and repair jobs are based on these chemical reactions. This is where many health issues can be helped considerable by correct health supplements for the individual. For basic health this may be easy to work out, yet for more complex issues, I really recommended a functional medicine Doctor, otherwise you can go round in circles.
My Morning Essential Health Supplements
Here are the supplements that are more basic building blocks that I often take. As I wake up, I make a glass of hydrogen water, either with a Hydrogen Water Bottle or with one of our Hydrogen machines. Then I mix into the water a scoop of electrolyte powder, I empty 2 capsules of magnesium l threonate, a squeeze of lemon or cider vinegar and then drink. I then place one drop of iodine on my skin, e.g. on the inside of your wrist. With my breakfast I have an omega 3 oil supplement and a multi vitamin and mineral supplement
The electrolyte contains sodium, potassium and magnesium, which are essential for all cells signaling in your body. The Magnesium L-Threonate helps with brain function. The creatine supports muscles, improves brain function and reduces inflammation. The active dissolved Hydrogen adds extra antioxidants to the water. The one or two drops of iodine on the skin is absorbed through the skin, so it does not affect microbiome in the gut. Iodine is in every cell of your body, and it supports the thyroid which helps regulate hormone production.
The omega 3 oil supports the brain and helps reduce inflammation. The multi-Vitamin and Mineral covers many of the chains in unloading the lorry analogy. The Shilajit Tea or Irish Sea moss contains up to 92 trace minerals that are often not covered in the Multi Vitamin and Mineral. With a good low carb breakfast, I’m good to go.
There is a new essential fatty acid recently discovered called c15 which makes the cell stronger and more robust, in this video below it goes into more detail about this essential saturated fat. I’ve only just recently added this into my protocol, so my knowledge on it is low, yet it looks very interesting.
My Evening Health Supplements
In the evening it is a bit simpler, with my dinner around 6pm I have with my low carb dinner D3&K2, and Magnesium Glycinate. If I want to make my vitamin D even more effect, I would add some vitamin A and Zinc which works togther with vitamin D yet I add this only once or twice a week.
The Magnesium Glycinate really helps relax the body. The D3 & K2 supports the immune system, helps with a healthy calcium balance in the body and helps with keeping happy.
Brain Health & Cognitive Function
I’m a big believer on the better the quality of my brain health is, the better the quality of my life, because I simply, think more clearer, and I deal with things better. This is why I often add in Ginko Biloba with breakfast or lunch.
Better Mood Better Energy
One of the keys here for better energy and better mood, is B vitamins. But some of them are better absorbed by many people in an active form of Methylated B vitamins, which are in their biologically active form, and can be directly and immediately utilized by the body. Non-methylated B-vitamins must first be first converted to their methylated form through specific enzymatic processes in the body.
If my mood is low, my energy is low and I’m feeling down, I may add in a multi methylated B complex with my breakfast, I would do this for a 4-week period and then take a break from it, I’m always looking for my body to build these levels by itself.
Quality Sleep
Almost all experts in health and wellbeing say that good quality sleep is one of the most important pillars for your overall health. The formula I use to help myself get a good night sleep. In the evening, I have either Blue lotus, Camomile tea or Lemon Balm Tea, and I take 2 Magnesium Glycinate, all around 8 pm, it works a treat, best night sleep ever and wake up feeling great.
Looking After The Liver
The liver is a true work horse of the body doing over 500 vital functions for the body, and it is often forgotten. Looking after this super star of the body is well worth it. Milk Thistle supports the liver in many ways. I often take one milk thistle supplement day.
Immune System & Inflammation
The very best thing for the immune system is a supplement of D3,K2 and Zinc and best taken with some fat for best Absorbtion. If your digestion is poor, then a UVB light maybe better absorbing the D3. This is a must for me every day.
Tissue Repair
MSM Methylsulfonylmethane, is backed by science in helping reduce joint pain, has anti-inflammatory effect, can speed up recovery from exercise, helps to alleviate symptoms of pain and stiffness, can boost immunity, can improve your skin health. As I’m getting younger, I do have to be more on the ball, and supplementing with e.g. a small amount of MSM, is strengthening my overall health as I age. MSM is one of those compounds which is needed by the body, yet there is very little MSM in food. This is why I often add a small scoop of this to my morning electrolyte drink. The other option of MSM is DMSO, if I had a bladder infection DMSO would be my go-to, I would take some type of skin cream or vitamin E oil and mix in the palm of my hand 15 drops of DMSO and apply to my belly, and I would repeat for 2 weeks.
We all learnt the Kreb Cycle at school where the mitochondria turn food into energy. Often what was missing in the teaching was the understanding of co factors, that support this chain of reactions of the mitochondria, yes, there are minerals and vitamins that play a very important role in this.
One molecule that stands out is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD / NADH (the more active form) NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide is the precursor of NAD) NAD supports the mitochondria to produce energy, which is used in every part of the body. As you age your NAD levels often drops, and if someone is dealing with a chronic health issue with muscle mass being reduced NAD could be low. You can get NAD from many foods e.g. parsley, Tyme, purple potatoes, celery many purple fruits and veg. Also, you can get it in supplement form.
As I’m a cancer survivor, I often do 4-week cycles on NAD to help with my energy levels.
Tudca, HCL and Mastic Gum
Many people including myself, have been round the houses, looking to address a health issue, and have often missed out this area, which is addressing low stomach acid and using Bile salt or Tudca. If you have a harmful microbe in the stomach, these microbes excrete an alkaline waste which adds to weakening the stomach acid, which in turns weakens your digestion so you are not absorbing as much in the way of minerals to produce HCL or breaking down amino acids such as glutamine that helps in healing the body.
If this is the case that there is low stomach acid, and many people with acid reflux do have low stomach acid. To help reduce the harmful microbe you can supplement with mastic gum, and use a HCL supplement to be taken with food, to increase the stomach acid to reverse this cycle so your body is naturally doing this itself. In this video from Kick, it Naturally explains in more depth this subject. Also, with the Sibo yogurt this as well kills off allot of harmful microbes.
If you’re having an issue with digestion, and nothing yet has worked Tudca could be the answer, Dr. Berg in this video explains the many benefits if Tudca. Alot of people try to clear out toxicity through their body, through these detox teas etc. The thing is the body naturally detoxes all the time, the liver collects this waste and adds it to the bile, and then you phoo it out . The problem is when the Bile gets sluggish, this is where Tudca can help thin the bile and let it flow better.
There are literally hundreds of different health supplements out there, many of them do similar things, some work better for other people. The list above is what I have found works best for me, having this knowledge has made a world of difference to my life.
There are many functional doctors that have some of the latest tests that can give client clearer information what they need, if you do have a health issue and can afford to see a functional doctor I do recommended it. Yet for many it may be out of the budget.
Yet I do believe the best piece of equipment in the world is you and body, I believe one of the best medicines is listening to your body, see and feel what works for you, research, research there are real answers out there. keep happy, dance, listen to music, do-good things in the world, and go to sleep with a smile on your face and in your heart.
Wishing you abundance of health and happiness, fill your heart with joy, enjoy your life to the full, and see the magic in the small things…