Resources & Questions ?

How Does The Machine Make Hydrogen Gas?

Each of our machines makes active Hydrogen by a technique known as electrolysis. This involves running a extremely precise electrical current through the distilled water. The electricity breaks the atomic bond and splits the water molecules into their basic elements – hydrogen and oxygen, which is then collected and fed through the air canal which you breathe in, or bubble into a glass of water.

Our Electrolysis membrane is made from 100% titanium and uses SPE PEM Electrode Technology, that delivers the Hydrogen and Oxygen and gives us the guaranteed and CE certificate delivering 99.9% pure Hydrogen.

H2Epod E Hydrogen Inhalation For Health and Fitness Our Product

2 Different Types of Hydrogen Gas Machines!

  • 100% Pure Molecular Hydrogen output.
  • HHO (Hydrogen and Oxygen) or the other name is Brown Gas all are the same a mix of hydrogen and oxygen.

When we started in 2017, we supplied only Pure Molecular Hydrogen Machines on its own, as most of the scientific studies have been made on pure hydrogen and we had the thought that there is plenty of oxygen already in the air. Yet over the years we have seen better results with a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, and this is why all of our machines are hydrogen and oxygen.

Just Add Distilled Water!

You can get Hydrogen and Oxygen machines, that you have to add chemicals to the water such as KOH or NAOH the full name is potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide. Although manufactures do make these machines safe with added filters, if by accident by any means you breath in the KOH or get it on your hands it can be harmful. This is one of the reasons, we do not offer these machines. Our Hydrogen and Oxygen machine, only need to add pure distilled water to work, nothing else.

How Do I Use Molecular Hydrogen?

Once your machine is making the Molecular Hydrogen there are two main things you can do with it, either bubble it into a glass of water for 2 to 3 minutes to saturate your glass of drinking water with Molecular Hydrogen. Or you breath it in for a period of time. Both of these methods allow the Molecular Hydrogen to work as an active selective antioxidant in your body. You can bubble the Molecular Hydrogen into a bath and simply bath in the bath, absorbing the Molecular Hydrogen through your skin. A Doctor can make a saline solution out of it, yet with the strength of our machines, it does not make sense. Also, you can wrap certain parts of the body with a plastic bag and fill the bag with the H2 gas e.g. the elbow. Again, with the strength of our machines, it does not make much sense. What we specialize in, is high strength machines, that fully saturate your body with molecular hydrogen.

How Do I Choose The Right Machine?

The main question are clients consider, is what the right machine for themselves? What level of outflow of Hydrogen and Oxyegn would be best for their needs?  Here below are some guidelines, if still in doubt, please call us and we will help advice you.

In China and Japan Hydrogen and Oxygen machines have been approved as a Class 3 Medical Device. In Chinese and Japanese Medical Hospitals, medical Doctors prescribe Hydrogen and Oxygen to treat, as an adjunct therapy to improve symptoms (including dyspnea, cough, and sputum production) In adults with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" and to also to help as an adjunct therapy for heart disease and after someone has had a heart attack.

As for the dosage, the research data can vary depending on what the person is using it for, and if the person is struggling with excess toxicity, virus or a serious health condition. We will share this information that is emerging on dosage into 3 areas...

Range 1 Genral Health Care

For daily health care, with no chronic health issue. Breathing in Molecular Hydrogen & Oxygen between 150ml -300ml per minute. The body will get to a saturation point at around 60 minutes. At which point the level of Molecular Hydrogen will returns to normal levels after about one hour.  In this time the Molecular Hydrogen will be utilized as a selective antioxidant and support the other function of Molecular Hydrogen. This is what we rate as general health care with a proven therapeutic effect.

Range 2 Intermediate Athlete or Chronic Inflammation

The next range would be between 900ml to 1500ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen. This level causes a higher level of saturation, because of this it can help an intermediate athlete, perform better and recover faster. Also, this level can help with a medium range health issue such as chronic inflammation.

Range 3 Professional Athlete or More Serious Health Issue.

The final range is between 1500 - 3000ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen. At this level it causes a deeper saturation of hydrogen and oxygen. Which will help a professional athlete to perform better and help to reduce recovery time or average between 50 to 80%. Also, this level can possibly help with more challenging health issue, care does need to be taken in these cases and to follow any Doctors advice and to follow our protocols.

Hydrogen & Oxygen or Just Hydrogen

This is something we are noticing and getting feedback on, and when we talked to a chemist, they agree on this hypothesis. All of our machines now produce Molecular Hydrogen and Oxygen, and you can choose a combination of Molecular Hydrogen, and Oxygen gas mixed, or just Molecular Hydrogen on its own or Just Oxygen on its own. What we are noticing people are saying is that breathing just pure Molecular Hydrogen gives a more relaxing effect and is ideal if someone is stressed.  And the Browns Gas is giving a more balancing effect between being alert and relaxed.

Why The Need for Bigger Out Flow Machines?

Many of our customer ask the question, can I get the same benefits of breathing in Hydrogen and Oxygen at a lower output machine by using it for longer time. The simple answer is no, yet both are good, so let's explain.  When you breath in Molecular Hydrogen and Oxygen, from one of our machines, your breath is mixed with the air around you, which you are already breathing in and out. The larger the output of the Hydrogen and Oxygen machine, the larger the saturation potential of the extra Molecular Hydrogen and Oxygen into your cells.

For example, the following size machine will...

  • 150ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute, will give you a saturation potential will be around 2%.
  • 300ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute will give you a saturation potential will be around 4%.
  • 900ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute, will give you a saturation potential will be around 12%.
  • 1500ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute, will give you a saturation potential will be around 20%.
  • 3000ml of Hydrogen and Oxygen per minute, will give you a saturation potential will be around 40%.

Certain parts of the body e.g. ligaments and joints can be harder for the Browns gas to be absorbed, so higher saturation can possibly be helpful, for more chronic conditions or for professional athletes.

Frequently Asked Questions?

In this video we will show you how noisy / quite are machines are...

What is the percentage of hydrogen in the gas that is output from the machine?

The Hydrogen and Oxygen machines will use water to produce Hydrogen & Oxygen in a ratio of 2:1 (66.6% Hydrogen + 33.3% Oxygen). The gas is then combined with air to dilute it down to a concentration of 4% or less. The main reason for this is that hydrogen gas in a concentration over 4.5% is combustible.

Can you change the ratio of Hydrogen to Oxygen?

Our machines do not allow you to change the ratio between Hydrogen & Oxygen. When water is split into its Hydrogen & Oxygen components it naturally forms a 2:1 ratio (66.6% Hydrogen + 33.3% Oxygen) and this has been termed the ‘golden ratio’. The ratio of 2:1 mirrors the proportions found in water, suggesting a harmony that aligns with biological compatibility. The 2:1 ratio is also very safe, ensuring stability and minimizing the risks of creating oxidative stress and free radical formation in the body.

 What is a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)?

The heart of the Hydrogen and Oxygen machine is the Hydrolysis Cell, this is where hydrogen is made. There are several methods of making hydrogen/Brown’s gas and our machines use a method that involves a membrane that works like a filter inside the Hydrolysis Cell allowing hydrogen to pass through whilst blocking other gasses and electrons

What is the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) made from?

PEM’s are typically made from specialized polymer materials designed to allow protons (Hydrogen) to pass through them whilst blocking electrons and other gasses (Oxygen). The PEM’s are also designed to remain chemically stable in the harsh corrosive conditions inside the hydrolysis cell – where the hydrogen is produced

Can the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) be changed / replaced?

The PEM is integrated into the Hydrolysis Cell and is not something that can be changed or replaced

How long does the PEM membrane last?

The PEM will last the lifetime of the machine. The Hydrolysis Cell which contains the PEM is the heart of the machine, the lifespan of the machine is determined by the health of this component. The Manufacturers claim a 5000-hour run time without any loss of performance. After 5000 hours, the machines will continue to run for many years, but there will be a gradually drop off in performance. The most important factor that impacts the Hydrolysis Cell is the quality of the water used. The cleaner the water, the better the machine’s performance and longevity

Where is the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) made?

The manufacturers of our machines source their membranes from a company based in China, our Proton Membrane where use to be made in Germany, now we have the same or better Membranes now from our factory that has over 20 years' experience making these machines. 

What are the electrodes made from?

Titanium coated with iridium (anode) and platinum (cathode) as catalysts

 How can I tell if there is a problem with the PEM or Hydrolysis cell?

As this is the part of the machine that is making the Hydrogen/Oxygen, it is directly related to the output of gas into the cannula or water stone. The easiest way to assess the output of the machine without any expensive testing is to observe the output of the machine when using the water stone. If there is a drop in the machine's performance, the bubbling of gas into the water through the water stone will be reduced.

Are the machines CE approved?   

Yes, our machines are CE approved and have this stated on the back of each device.

Why is a Filter needed?

Hydrogen and Oxygen machines use water filters to ensure the water used in the electrolysis process is clean and free from contaminants that could negatively impact the machine’s performance and longevity. Our machines use a carbon filter which needs to be changed every 6-12 months depending on how much you use your machine. We place a lot of emphasis on using the cleanest distilled water possible, but even distilled water with a TDS reading of 0ppm will have trace amounts of contaminant in it.

Even the process of transferring pure distilled water from a bottle to the machine could expose the water to dust and other particles – particularly if transferring to a jug and then into the machine.

The main reasons for the water filter are:

Preventing Mineral build up on the electrodes Over time even trace amounts of mineral contaminants can form a Scale build up on the electrodes which will lower gas production

Improving Gas Purity Cleaner water will result in improved gas purity

Preventing Corrosion Certain impurities can cause corrosion of the electrodes

Can you change the Flow Rate? Currently our machines do not allow you to change the flow rate

  • The Essential has a flow rate of 600ml/min
  • The Vitality has a flow rate of 1000ml/min
  • The Super Power has a flow rate of 1500ml/min
  • The Immortal has a flow rate of 3000ml/min

Do the machines measure TDS? 

 All our machines have a built in TDS meter which you can observe by looking at one of our instruction videos on the product page for each machine. TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids, which refers to the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances present in water in a dissolved form. These substances can include minerals, salts, metals, cations and anions that are either naturally occurring or introduced into the water at some point. TDS is often used as an indicator of water purity; we also supply a TDS reader with all of our machines so that customers can check the quality of the water before they add it to the machine

Does anything corrode on or in the machine?     

The inside of the hydrolysis cell is an incredibly corrosive environment; many of the materials used are selected because of their ability to resist corrosion, such as titanium which the electrodes are made from. With long term use, corrosion will occur within Hydrogen/Oxygen machines, and it is this process that ultimately determines the lifespan of the machine. This is why we place a big emphasis on the quality of water used in our machines as this is the biggest factor that can extend the lifespan of the machine by minimizing corrosion

The main parts of the machine susceptible to corrosion are the electrodes, the chamber where the electrolysis occurs, and any metal tubing involved in the delivery of the gas

The Manufacturers claim a 5000-hour run time without any loss of performance. After 5000 hours, the machines will continue to run for many years, but there will be a gradually drop off in performance, which is the result of corrosion

What happens if the machine needs fixing in the future? 

Our machines come with a 1-year warranty which is outlined in the Terms & Conditions on our website. The Terms & Conditions also outlines your consumer statutory rights in regard to any faults that may arise. After the warranty period has ended, if a problem was to occur, you can send the machine to us for repair. We will assess the machine and let you know the cost and you can then decide if you would like us to proceed. The machines that we currently sell have never required any repair at the time of writing.

Do the machines have any safety features?                                                                                                                                                                 

Our machines have a number of automatic safety features built into them.

  • Water too high Machine will not operate if there is too much water, Impacts oxygen accumulation in the water tank.                               
  • Water too low Automatic shut off and alarm. Low water could damage the hydrolysis cell.                                                                           
  • TDS water purity monitoring Will not allow the machine to operate if water quality is not sufficient.                                                                 
  • Water filtration / change filter indication.                                                                                                                                               
  • Unbalance / tilt Automatic alarm and shut down if machines is not flat enough.                                                                               
  • Overheat Automatic alarm and shut down is machine gets too hot.                                                                                                             
  • Over pressure Automatic alarm and shut down if a blockage cause backflow of gas.

 Is Hydrogen Flammable?

After 7 years of supplying Hydrogen Oxygen machines in the UK, we have had 1 concern that people ask us about which is, is the level of hydrogen coming out of the machine flammable. In 7 years, we have not had one issue with this, the factual answer here is, if a room or space gets to a level of 4% saturation of hydrogen gas, then it is flammable, but to get to a saturation of 4% you would need an airtight room.

Let me explain why it is very unlikely to almost impossible to get a normal standard room to a 4% saturation of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the smallest lightest molecule in the universe, you can fit 200,000 Hydrogen molecules across a width of one strand of your hair. The reason we say this is H2 will escape through anything apart from an airtight bag, or airtight chamber.

The machines we supply produce between 1000ml -3000ml of a mix of hydrogen and oxygen per minute, which is being absorbed by the person using the machine. Even if the machine was running without the person breathing in the hydrogen, the H2 gas will escape any normal room within seconds, H2 simply goes straight up and escapes because it is so light and so small. The normal level of hydrogen in the air we breathe is 0.00005 %.

Our machines have an outflow of up to 3000ml per minute, with the H2 constantly being absorbed into your body or escaping the room. The answer is the level of H2 in a normal room with a Browns Gas machine turned on for a standard therapy session of up to 2 hours will simply not get anywhere near the level of 4% saturation. On the extra safe side, please use simply caution with not having a naked flame next to the machine and make sure there is some ventilation in the room. Please rest assure when you fully understand that hydrogen gas always escapes a normal room the chances of it being flammable are extremely small or impossible, and this is why we have never heard of one issue with this, but it does need explaining.

Can I combine my medication with Hydrogen & Oxygen Therapy?

Hydrogen Oxygen Therapy is considered safe to use alongside other treatments or medication. If in doubt, ask your Doctor.

Does Hydrogen Oxygen Therapy reduce Inflammation?

Yes, Hydrogen Oxygen Therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Can Children Use Hydrogen Oxygen Therapy?

Hydrogen Oxygen therapy is extremely safe, yet in cases with children we recommended to consult with your Doctor first and if the Doctor says it is ok. Then we recommended small session under 30 minutes.