The Science Behind Molecular Hydrogen

When Was The First Study?

One of the first studies on Molecular Hydrogen was conducted in 1975 by Dole and colleagues from Baylor University. They reported in the Journal of Science that inside a hyperbaric chamber Molecular Hydrogen Therapy was effective at reducing melanoma tumors in mice.

As the smallest molecule in nature hydrogen has long been dismissed by the medical communities. Recent studies over the last several years, have shown that the molecular hydrogen molecule may have important pharmacological effects especially in the field of basic medicine. Considering that human intestinal bacteria can produce a certain amount of hydrogen gas from beneficial gut bacteria.

One of the key points off understanding Hydrogen and Oxygen Therapy. Is that water is H20, two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Then when you turn water into Hydrogen Gas and Oxygen Gas you could make a guess that they work togther, and they do. So, when someone is struggling with breathing due to a virus for example, the hydrogen gas helps clean the blood cell of the virus waste so the oxygen can land on the red blood cell.


H2Epod E Hydrogen Inhalation For Health and Fitness What is H2

H2 Is In Our Foods

Traditionally our main source of absorbing molecular hydrogen was from digesting hydrogen-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and from the by product of beneficial good bacteria's. This has always been a small amount, yet from eating more processed foods and the overuse of antibiotics the molecular hydrogen someone produces naturally is even lower.

This is how The Chemical Reaction Works !

Once the Molecular Hydrogen Gas molecule is bonded to for example a harmful Hydroxyl Radical. This harmful molecule is then transformed into healthy structured water, which is then excreted by your body. The chemical reaction is (—OH + H= H20)

Scientific Studies On Molecular Hydrogen

There have been more than 1335 published Scientific Studies, on over 170 different disease models, and over 90 Human studies on Molecular Hydrogen. Here below are some of those studies. If you would like to go to Hydrogen Studies - Home You can type in any body part/ area to see if there is a study on that area. This website contains all the studies

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Positively Affects Muscle Performance, Lactate Response, and Alleviates Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness After Resistance Training

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The hydroxyl radical scavenger H2 effectively reduces oxidative stress in patients. The symptoms of RA were significantly improved with high H2 water

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Brain Metastases Completely Disappear in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Hydrogen Gas Inhalation

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Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life

Brain Health

Longevity Feeling Good

Skin Care

Enhanced Athletic Performance